Website for Wrose Parish Council
Wrose Parish Council is an elected body in the first tier of local government. The Parish Council represents local community interests and seeks to improve the quality of life for residents. The boundary of the parish is shown here: wrose-parish.pdf (bradford.gov.uk)
There are currently six Parish Councilors who give their time on a voluntary basis to serve the people of Wrose. (In addition there are three councillor vacancies. Please contact the Clerk at Clerk@wroseparishcouncil.gov.uk for details about eligibility criteria and how to apply for these vacancies).
Full council meetings are held on a monthly basis. Recent agenda topics have included commenting on planning consultations, seeking to improve the local environment through flower planting schemes and supporting local events. To learn more, why not come to one of our full council meetings held at 7pm on the second Thursday of the month at St Cuthberts, Wrose.
Please note that many local services are provided by Bradford Metropolitan District Council (BMDC) rather than Wrose Parish Council. You can find details of the services provided by them here: Home | Bradford Council. Details of BMDC councillors can be found here: Bradford Metropolitan District Councillors.